Sunday, May 29, 2011


"I'm not blind.  I just can't see."  This is what you get when you combine Sherlock Holmes with cats.  Francis, a tomcat, has just moved with his master (or "can-opener) into a new neighborhood.  Almost immediately, Francis is greeted by the corpse of another cat, who has been murdered.  Local tomcat Bluebeard believes that the "can-openers" are responsible, but Francis thinks that it was another cat who committed the atrocity.  As the two set off to solve the mystery, they come across many other murdered cats, each killed in ways more gruesome than the previous victim (eventually culminating in the murder of a pregnant cat, whose unborn kittens are strewn around her).  Interestingly, all the victims seem to have one thing in common (at least for the males): each was sexually aroused at the time of their murder - a clue which will have great importance later on.
Probably the most demented animated film ever made (it makes South Park look like kids' stuff), Felidae is a masterpiece of German animation, and, while by no means perfect, is still very well-made.

Rating: 3.5/4

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